Montag, 29. September 2014

By The Lake

I made this lace-dress to be photographed underwater but I think I have to get used to the idea that there will be no Underwaterpics this year. We had a lot of rain in Austria and I didn't get much chance to get into the pool. So I went out to a Lake nearby to take this pics.

 So let's get wet, at least...


I used Green-Lantern Barbie, again.  I still think she's one of the best dolls ever produced. And I finally had a chance to take Barbie Basics Nr.5 out. She got a Reroot in a custom blend of black and dark blue.


Sonntag, 21. September 2014

Out in the Woods

A little bit 50ies....

So summer is almost over and I was out to take pics on, what seems to be, one of the last sunshine-days.

I made this Re-roots and dresses already in May and I'm happy to finally show them.

The dresses are 50ies inspired and have little petticoats underneath. I used thin cotton Moussline from Liberty and a simple cotton fabric for the contrast that I dyed myself.


 I used Barbie Basics nr.14 again. This time she got a Re-root in Hazelnut with Ash-blonde Summer-Streaks.

And I got Katniss with the new Facemold. I really love her and I wanted to bring out her green eyes. So she got a Re-root in Strawberryblonde with Golden-blond Streaks.

The both got hot-water-perms and i rolled them on big XL-Straws to give them a natural movement!


Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014

Little Summer-Boho Dress....

Since I am renovating my little country-apartment this summer I do not have so much time for Barbie, sadly. But I made this little Boho-summer dress a while ago and finally got the time to take pics.

I used Barbie Nr. 08 from the Basics Jeans-Line and rerooted her with a custom blend of Original Brunette and Hazelnut, both Saran Hair from I totally love her. I think she got the perfect lip colour...

The fabric I used for the dress is thin cotton mousseline from Liberty!...

Have a great summer,


Montag, 9. Juni 2014

Alice in Wonderland...

Making myself happy...

Since I can remember I always loved Alice in Wonderland.  I loved to read the book, I loved the Disney-movie from the 50ties and ther was also an animated series around in the 80ies that i loved to watch.
I think it's a perfect theme for Barbie because when Alice shrinks and talks to the flowers in the Disney version she might be at about Barbie's size. So I loved to playAlice with my Barbie.
What I dont undestand is that Mattel has not offered a satisfying version lately. Of course there are the 'Skipper as Alice' Dolls from the 90ties and there was this more artistic version a few years ago. But was there any original or Disney Inspired version yet? I mean really like 'Barbie as Alice..'?
No there was not. But of course we get another set of 'Gone with the wind'-Scarlets and 'Oz-Dohrothy's'.

So there's nothing else to do than making myself happy and create one by myself. This is what I came up with, this is what I would like to see from Mattel!


I used 'Daria Celebutante'. She got a reroot in Blondicous and Dark-Maibu  (Saran hair fom MyLittleCustom)

   Hope you love her as much as I do!


Sonntag, 25. Mai 2014

Summer 2014 is about to start!

Going to Wonderland. Soon...

Looks like summer 2014 is finally about to arrive. We had a lot of rain the last weeks here in Vienna and i am shooting on my 2nd costume movie in the make-up department right now. So there was no time yet to go out and take pics, but Alice is already finished and waiting. I just wanted to let you know that there is something to come and give you a little preview and show you the making of!

Soon more......

Go out and enjoy the sun, if you can! I would...;)
